TOEFL Speaking Question Three: Sample Question #2

Marketing and Personalization
Level: Intermediate
Type: Speaking Question


You will read a short passage and then listen to a lecture on the same topic. You will then be asked a question. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.



You have 45 seconds to read the text below. You may begin reading now.

A recent study revealed that marketing personalization significantly boosts customer engagement and sales. Personalization involves customizing marketing messages to fit the unique preferences, needs, and behaviors of individual customers or groups. This approach is rooted in the understanding that customers are more inclined to purchase when they feel a brand recognizes and values their uniqueness. The research highlights that recognizing a customer’s specific needs and preferences strengthens the connection between businesses and their customers, leading to increased engagement and sales. This strategy moves away from generic marketing tactics, offering a more targeted and effective way to reach consumers.

Now listen to a lecture on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about the lecture. 

Describe what marketing personalization is and how the professor’s example illustrates this idea.

You have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Here is a suggested note-taking template for students:

Personalization in marketing leads to increased customer engagement and sales

Amazon’s recommendation system

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign

Am – uses customer data to personalize product recommendations

Coke – customers personalize cans

This template provides a clear and organized way for the student to keep track of the key points discussed in the lecture, the examples used, and their own personal opinion on the topic. This can help the student stay focused and easily recall the information when answering the speaking question.

Tips for Getting a Better Score

  1. Read and understand the academic article: Start by carefully reading the article and taking notes on the key points and examples. Make sure you understand the topic and what is expected of you in the speaking question.
  2. Practice summarizing the article: Try to condense the article into a short summary, focusing on the key points and examples. This will help you to be more concise and focused when answering the speaking question.
  3. Use clear and precise language: When answering the speaking question, use clear and precise language to convey your message effectively. Avoid using complex vocabulary or grammar that you are not confident with.
  4. Provide Details: To make your answer more complete, use the details you wrote down in your notes. This will show that you have better listening skills than most other students.
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