
things you find at a pond

Skill Level: Beginner (A1 - A2)
Lesson Type: General English Lesson

  1. pond
  2. frog
  3. toad
  4. bug
  5. fish
  6. duck
  7. turtle
  8. snake

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Pond creatures, big and small

There’s something special about ponds. They attract all sorts of creatures, both big and small. From turtles to frogs and snakes, ponds provide a home for a wide variety of animals.

Ponds are also a great place to find bugs. Also, toads and water bugs can all be found near ponds. You might even spot a fish or two swimming near the pond’s edge if you’re lucky.

Whether you’re looking for animals or bugs, ponds are definitely worth exploring. So next time you’re out for a walk, make sure to stop by one of these special places!

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