
Phrases for Delivering Presentations

Skill Level: Intermediate (B1 - B2)
Lesson Type: Business English

  1. Let me begin by introducing myself.
  2. Firstly, let’s take a look at the data.
  3. Moving forward, our key priorities are…
  4. Moving on to the next point…
  5. As you can see from this graph/chart/table…
  6. Now, let’s do a deeper dive into this topic.
  7. Let me highlight the main takeaways from this section.
  8. Before we proceed, let’s address any questions or concerns you may have.
  9. To sum up, we need to focus on the following…
  10. To summarize what we’ve discussed so far…
    To conclude, I’d like to emphasize the key points of this presentation.

Click to Record, & Speak the Words as shown below.
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  1. Let me begin by introducing myself.
  2. Firstly, let’s take a look at the data.
  3. Moving forward, our key priorities are…
  4. Moving on to the next point…
  5. As you can see from this graph/chart/table…
  6. Now, let’s do a deeper dive into this topic.
  7. Let me highlight the main takeaways from this section.
  8. Before we proceed, let’s address any questions or concerns you may have.
  9. To sum up, we need to focus on the following…
  10. To summarize what we’ve discussed so far…
  11. To conclude, I’d like to emphasize the key points of this presentation.

Additional Learning

  • Let me begin by introducing myself: A polite and professional way to introduce oneself to others in a business setting.
  • Firstly, let’s take a look at the data: A way to prioritize and focus on important information or data that needs to be discussed.
  • Moving forward, our key priorities are…: A clear indication of the company’s future priorities or goals that need to be addressed.
  • Moving on to the next point…: A smooth transition from one topic or point to another during a presentation or meeting.
  • As you can see from this graph/chart/table…: A way to visually present data or information to support an argument or point being made.
  • Now, let’s do a deeper dive into this topic: A way to suggest a more detailed discussion or examination of a specific topic or issue.
  • Let me highlight the main takeaways from this section: A way to summarize the most important points or information from a section of a presentation or meeting.
  • Before we proceed, let’s address any questions or concerns you may have: A way to ensure that everyone’s concerns and questions are addressed before moving on to the next topic.
  • To sum up, we need to focus on the following…: A clear and concise summary of the most important priorities or goals that need to be focused on.
  • To summarize what we’ve discussed so far…: A way to recap the key points discussed during a presentation or meeting.
  • To conclude, I’d like to emphasize the key points of this presentation: A way to end a presentation or meeting by restating the most important points or takeaways.

In conclusion, learning how to pronounce business English phrases clearly is essential for effective communication in the workplace. Clear and concise communication can make a significant difference in how a message is perceived, and it can also help establish credibility and professionalism. Pronunciation affects not only the meaning of words but also their connotations and impact on the listener. Thus, mastering the correct pronunciation of business English phrases is crucial for success in the globalized and highly competitive business world. It can also help avoid misunderstandings, facilitate collaboration, and foster better relationships with colleagues, clients, and partners.

Ready for More?

If you’re ready to read more about this topic, visit “Mastering Presentation Transitions & Closings: The Ultimate Guide.”

Click the button below to read the article related to this practice.

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