Job Security in Challenging Times

learn how to demonstrate your value to your employer
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NY English can help make you more successful

Essential Skills to Secure Your Career in Challenging Times

In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever to have the skills necessary to keep your job and thrive in your career. In addition, with the job market becoming increasingly competitive and uncertain, it’s crucial to possess a set of critical skills that can help you stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your value to your employer.

By developing strong networking abilities, time management skills, creative problem-solving techniques, and a consistent and reliable work ethic, you can position yourself as an invaluable asset to your organization. Additionally, having the confidence to perform under pressure, being willing to say yes to new opportunities, and learning how to influence others can further enhance your value in the workplace.

Finally, being self-aware and managing your personal brand can help you build a positive reputation and advance in your career. In this article, we’ll provide tips on how to develop these skills and strategies to help you keep your job and succeed in your career, even in tough times.

Must-Have Soft Skills

  1. Strong networking ability: The skill to build and maintain meaningful professional relationships with people who can potentially offer opportunities, support, and resources to help you achieve your goals. Developing strong networking abilities is essential for business success, as it enables individuals to make valuable connections and open up new opportunities.
  2. Confidence while under pressure: The ability to remain calm, composed, and focused in challenging situations and to trust your abilities and judgment to make the best decisions.Maintaining confidence while under pressure is vital for any business professional, allowing them to make informed decisions and inspire their team.
  3. Time management: The art of efficiently using your time to achieve your priorities, balancing your tasks and responsibilities, and avoiding procrastination and distractions. Effective time management skills are crucial in the fast-paced business world, allowing individuals to prioritize tasks and achieve their goals efficiently.
  4. Creative problem solving: The approach of generating innovative and effective solutions to complex problems by thinking outside the box, exploring multiple perspectives, and experimenting with new approaches. Creative problem-solving is a valuable skill for any business professional, allowing them to find innovative solutions to complex challenges and stay ahead of the competition.
  5. Consistent and reliable work ethic: The attitude of being diligent, responsible, and committed to delivering high-quality work consistently over time, regardless of the circumstances or challenges. A consistent and reliable work ethic is key to building trust and respect in the business world and establishing a reputation for delivering high-quality work.
  6. Always be willing to say yes: The willingness to embrace new challenges, take risks, and step out of your comfort zone to grow personally and professionally while being mindful of your limits and priorities. Being willing to say “yes” to new challenges and opportunities can open doors and help individuals grow and develop their skills in the business world.
  7. Learn how to influence others: The ability to communicate effectively, build trust, and persuade others to support your ideas, visions, and goals while respecting their perspectives and needs. Learning how to influence others is a critical skill in business, allowing individuals to negotiate effectively, build relationships, and lead their teams to success.
  8. Be self-aware and manage your personal brand: The practice of understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and personality and leveraging them to create a positive and authentic image of yourself that aligns with your career aspirations and goals. Being self-aware and managing your personal brand is essential for building a strong reputation and establishing a positive image in the business world.


In conclusion, as a serious professional, you must realize that learning and mastering these critical skills is not just an option but a necessity in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business world. In tough times, when companies are looking for ways to cut costs and downsize, having a strong set of skills can be the difference between keeping your job or being conveniently let go.

By investing time and effort in developing these skills, you not only secure your position within the company but also position yourself for future growth and success. So, take charge of your career and start honing your skills today. Your future self will thank you for it!

CERF Level: B2

The CERF level for the text “Essential Skills To Secure Your Career In Challenging Times” is B2. This is because the text uses a variety of complex grammatical structures and vocabulary, and it is written in a clear and concise style. The text also covers a range of topics related to career development, and it provides helpful tips and advice for readers.

Ready to Practice

If you’re ready to improve your pronunciation skills and perfect your business English, try this practice lesson. It’s related to this article and features voice recognition technology. Give it try.

Check This Out

Do you want to succeed at work? Then you need to read The Hard Truth About Soft Skills: Workplace Lessons Smart People Wish They’d Learned Sooner. This book will teach you how to:

  • properly communicate
  • collaborate successfully
  • network with managers
  • cope with any challenge

Peggy Klaus is your guide to mastering the skills that matter most. Don’t let the name fool you – soft skills are hard to learn but easy to use. Read this book and boost your career today!

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